A single day program to review and update critical information for those involved in Academic Board and related committees
Course Participants

This program will bring together groups from higher education providers from across Australia. Each organisation will register a group of 3,4 or 5 participants. Each group may be a mix of ex officio, elected members and senior administrators. This course will benefit those new to the academic governance process and those in leadership roles in governance committees.


Participants will reflect on and learn about:

  1. The formal expected role of academic governance in higher education providers in Australia.
  2. The role of Chair of Academic Board/Senate.
  3. The expectations of all chairs and committee members.
  4. What is meant by Academic Risk and Risk Management.
  5. The Higher Education Standards Framework (in particular Section 6.3).
  6. The critical relationship between Academic Governance, Corporate Governance and Executive Management.
  7. The three areas of visibility of Academic Governance:
    1. Good governance and the expectations on you.
    2. Good governance and the expectations on your committee.
    3. Good governance and the expectations on your University.
  8. Leading and managing change through effective academic governance.

Download 2020 information here